
Nile Special Unmatched In Gold Promo Competition Rules


1.1 This promotional competition (“Competition”) is run by the Nile Breweries Ltd (“Promoters”) and is open to all persons of 18 years or older and resident in Uganda, except for: (a) the directors, members, partners, agents, consultants or employees of the Promoter and their immediate families; (b) the directors, members, partners, agents, consultants or employees of any suppliers of any goods or services to the Promoter in respect of this Competition; (c) directors, members, partners, agents, consultants or employees of the Promoter’s advertising and promotion agencies or associated companies; and (d) participating outlet owners and staff.

1.2 The rules set out in this document constitute the rules which will govern the Competition (“Competition Rules”).

1.3 Participation in the Competition by an entrant (a “Participant”) constitutes acceptance of these Competition Rules by that Participant.

Competition Period

2.1 This Competition will run from June to August 2024, both dates inclusive, or until the Promoter provides a public notice that the Competition has ended, whichever is earlier (“Competition Period”). Entries will only be accepted during the Competition Period.

Competition Entry Process

3.1 To enter the Competition, a Participant must:

  1. Purchase a bucket of NILE SPECIAL LAGER, 500ML (the “Qualifying Product”) at ANY OF THE PARTICIPATING OUTLETS (the “Participating Outlet”);
  2. With every purchase of a bucket of the Qualifying Product the participant will get a coupon where they will be required to fill in the following details (i) name and surname; (ii) contact details and submit this coupon into a sealed coupon box.
  3. With every entry in the NILE SPECIAL UNMATCHED IN GOLD PROMOTION DRAW the participant stands a chance to win instant prizes AND enter the bi-weekly draw to Win a Gold Coin. 

3.2 Participants are liable for the verification process, where applicable.

3.3 Entry is only valid through this medium and manner.

3.4 A Participant may enter the Competition as many times as he/she wishes.

    Description of Prize

    4.1 The prize for this Competition is AN INSTANT PRIZE OF A TSHIRT, BEER AND NILE SPECIAL GOLD COINS THE PRIZE (the “Prize”).

    4.2 There is a total of 400 BRANDED TSHIRTS valued at approximately UGX 35,000 each; 200 CASES OF BEER valued at approximately UGX 58,500; 46 GOLD COINS each valued at approximately UGX 1,500,000 AND 3 GRAND GOLD COINS  each valued at approximately UGX 15,000,000 available to be won during the Competition Period.

    4.3 A winner may not transfer a Prize, in whole or in part, to any other person BUT may exchange a Prize for its cash value through a credible NILE BREWRIES LTD approved Gold Dealer. A winner may not substitute him/herself with any other person.

    4.4 Participants may win as many instant prizes; however, no person may win more than one Prize in this Competition.

      Winner Selection and Notification

      5.1 A winner will be selected by a random draw process which will be conducted and televised on a bi-weekly basis. The draw will take place on or before 12th June 2024, 26th June 2024, 10th July 2024, 24th July 2024, 7th August 2024, 21st August 2024, 4th September 2024, 18th September 2024, 2nd October 2024 and will consist of all valid entries received before the specific draw date. 

      5.2 A winner will be notified by the Promoter via a TELEVIZED BI-WEEKLY DRAW, FOLLOWED BY A TELEPHONE CALL, USING THE CONTACT DETAILS PROVIDED BY THE PARTICIPANT WITHIN 3 WORKING DAYS OF BEING ANNOUNCED. The winner is expected to collect the Prize from the Nile Breweries Ltd Head Office in Luzira. If the Promoter is unable to contact a winner, he/she will be disqualified and a substitute winner may at the discretion of the Promoter be selected, using the same winner selection process.

        Winner Verification

        6.1 A winner must be over the age of 18 years old and must comply with the Participant eligibility criteria set out in Competition Rule 1.1 and the requirements in these Competition Rules, which may be verified by or on behalf of the Promoter. A Participant may be asked to provide a copy of his/her legal and valid identity document/passport/driver’s license/proof of residential address/proof of purchase, if applicable, in order to be eligible to receive the Prize. The Promoter reserves the right to conduct the validation and verification process via automated means and/or any other means that the Promoter may deem necessary, and by participating in the Competition, all Participants consent to the appropriate validation and verification measures that the Promoter may implement from time to time.

        6.2 A Prize will only be awarded by the Promoter and a Participant will only be regarded as a winner after the verification process set out in these Competition Rules has been completed to the satisfaction of the Promoter. Failing successful verification of a Participant, a substitute winner may be selected at the discretion of the Promoter.

        6.3 The Promoter reserves the right to carry out audits in respect of a Participant to verify his/her eligibility and/or the validity of a Participant’s entry. After a Participant has been informed of certain Competition requirements by the Promoter or an individual, including (without limitation) those set out in Competition Rule 1.1 (a)-(d), the Promoter may disqualify a Participant if any fraud or cheating or related activity is suspected, including without limitation, through the manipulation of an entry or otherwise falsifying data. Should the Promoter or its agent determine that an entry or Participant is invalid or ineligible, the relevant Participant shall not be entitled to receive a Prize and will not be compensated in any way.

        6.4 A Participant may win instant Prizes as many times as possible BUT will be ineligible to win, and automatically be excluded from winning a Gold coin if a Participant previously won a Gold Coin in the same Competition.

          Prize Forfeiture

          7.1 A winner must communicate his/her full details to the Promoter or its agent as requested by the Promoter or its agent. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of a Prize.

          7.2 If a winner is unable to attend, receive or utilise (as applicable) a Prize then the entire Prize shall be forfeited. There will be no compensation, in any form, including, but not limited to monetary compensation and/or rescheduling, to any party, irrespective of the reason/s for the inability of that winner to attend, receive or utilise (as applicable) a Prize.

          7.3 Time permitting and subject to the Promoter’s approval, where a Prize is forfeited a substitute winner may be chosen in the same manner as a original winner was chosen.


            8.1 Should the process for entry into the Competition or the Prize/s involve any alcoholic beverage, Participants shall ensure that it is enjoyed responsibly.

            8.2 To the extent that any intellectual property right/s arise as a result of or through the creation and/or submission by a Participant of content, including without limitation any pictures, videos, drawings or other creative works, to enter this Competition, such intellectual property right/s will vest in the Promoter and the Participant hereby waives any associated right/s. To the extent such rights have vested in a Participant, the Participant hereby cedes, assigns and transfers (by way of present and future cession, assignment and transfer) to Promoter such rights and undertakes to do such things, takes such steps and sign such documents as are necessary to give effect to such cession, assignment and transfer. Each Participant indemnifies and holds harmless the Promoter from and against any and all claims, actions, legal proceedings, losses, damages and expenses (including attorney’s fees and expenses) arising as a result of or in connection with any actual or alleged infringement of any intellectual property rights of a third party arising from entry in the Competition and/or the Promoter’s use of any content, including without limitation any pictures, videos, drawings or other creative works, created pursuant to the Participant’s entry in the Competition.

            8.3 In the event of a dispute, the Promoter’s decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

            8.4 The timelines stated by the Promoter or its agent must be adhered to. Failing adherence to any timeline, at any stage, may result in disqualification and forfeiture of a Prize in its entirety with no compensation to any party by the Promoter.

            8.5 Any customer complaints can be directed to Nile Special social media handles; X (formerly Twitter) @nilespecial, Instagram: @nilespecilaug, Facebook: Nile Special and these will be processed by the Nile Special digital community manager and shared with the responsible Nile Breweries personnel.

            8.6 Each Participant, by participating in the Competition, acknowledges, agrees, and expressly consents to:

            1. the Promoter processing the Participant’s personal information, including in the form of names, telephone numbers, identity numbers and/or email addresses, during and after the course and scope of the Competition; and
            2. the Promoter transferring the winning Participant’s personal information, including names, telephone numbers, identity numbers and/or email addresses, to the relevant third parties in order to make any required travel, delivery or other arrangements, as may be applicable, during the course and scope of the Competition for utilisation of a Prize,

              which processing and transfer shall take place in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 14 of 2013 (“POPIA”) and any other applicable law, and for the purpose of giving effect to the Competition.

              8.7 With the exception of Competition Rule 8.6 above, the Promoter will not share any personal information with any third party except where such disclosure is necessary to enable the Promoter to provide, deliver or in any other way give effect to these Competition Rules and/or a Prize, where such disclosure is permitted by law and/or where consent to sharing personal information is obtained from the relevant Participant by the Promoter. The Promoter will comply with the relevant data protection legislation, including POPIA.

              8.8 A Participant may submit a request to Nile Special social media handles; X (formerly Twitter) @nilespecial, Instagram: @nilespecilaug, Facebook: Nile Special for the Promoter to:

              1. correct or delete personal information about the Participant in the Promoter’s possession or under its control that is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading, or obtained unlawfully; or
              2. destroy or delete a record of personal information about the Participant that the Promoter is no longer authorised to retain.

              8.9 The Promoter may make media announcements containing, or otherwise publish, the names and/or photographs of a winner without remuneration being payable to a winner, provided that the Promoter will not do so if a winner communicates in writing to the Promoter that he/she does not want his or her names or photographs to be contained in media announcements or otherwise published.

              8.10 Should a Prize not be available despite the Promoter’s reasonable endeavours to procure a Prize, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute a Prize with another of equal value as determined in the Promoter’s sole discretion and subject to availability. No person will be entitled to be compensated in any way in this instance by the Promoter.

              8.11 The Promoter will not be responsible for any costs, expenses or other liabilities incurred by a winner which are not expressly contemplated as part of a Prize.

              8.12 These Competition Rules may be amended by the Promoter on public notice at any time during the Competition Period or thereafter. These Competition Rules will be interpreted by the Promoter only.

              8.13 The Promoter reserves the right to alter, amend or cancel this Competition in whole or in part. Any alterations, amendments or cancelations will be interpreted by the Promoter only. In the event of an alteration, amendment and/or cancellation, the Promoter will not compensate any individual for any reason whatsoever.

              8.14 Each Participant indemnifies and holds harmless the Promoter, its associated companies, and the directors, officers, employees and agents of the Promoter and its associated companies, against any and all claims for any loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising from any cause whatsoever connected to or arising out of his/her participation in any way in this Competition or his/her receipt, participation, ownership and/or use of a Prize. This indemnity is not intended to exclude any liability for any person which cannot be excluded under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008.

              8.15 The Promoter shall not be responsible for any lost, damaged, corrupted, delayed, incorrect or incomplete entries for any reason whatsoever. Proof of sending an entry will not be accepted as proof of receipt of such entry. The Promoter shall not be responsible for the failure of any technical element relating to this Competition that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted. The Promoter is not responsible for lost, damaged or delayed entries as a result of any network, computer or cell phone hardware or software failure of any kind. No entry from an agent, third party, organized group or entry automatically generated by computer will be valid or accepted. An entry will only be valid and accepted if it complies with all entry instructions and requirements. Any form of network or systems manipulation, including but not limited to Botnets, Sim Farms, Trojans, SMS malware may not be used when entering the Competition.

              8.16 By participating in the Competition, each Participant gives the Promoter consent to: (i) market its products and campaigns to the Participant; (ii) conduct market research using personal information of the Participant which may be shared with third parties to enable the Promoter to develop appropriate marketing strategies in respect of its customers; and (iii) use the personal information and other details provided by the Participant during the Competition entry process for the purposes of facilitation of the Competition. A Participant may decline to provide or retract his/her consent by opting out via the opt out mechanism provided on the communications of the Promoter.

              These Competition Rules are also available on Nile Breweries Ltd website, Facebook:,     X:, Instagram:

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