
Quality culture drives our company

Nile Breweries joins the world to commemorate World Quality Day, 2021 today under the theme, Sustainability: Improving our Products, People, and Planet. Started by The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) London in 1919, the main purpose behind this celebration is to raise the level of quality awareness in the company and to recognise the efforts and contributions of quality professionals. “Our breweries are built a strong Quality Culture that is entrenched at all levels. With Quality we don’t try, but we do it and do it the right way. Quality is not an accident but it’s a process that we create in every employee mindset,” says Nicholas Lubwama, Quality Manager, Jinja Plant.

He adds, “We partner with our suppliers, train them, audit to ensure we get quality raw material. We have entrenched innovation in all our production process to ensure top quality product.” Every year, Nile Breweries commemorates World Quality Day given its culture of quality and brewing principle, “We never compromise on Quality”. We have been carrying out a series of activities this week(World Quality Week 8-12) at our Breweries in Jinja and Mbarara to reecho our commitment to a robust quality culture and celebrate the achievements we have got as a result of brewing top-quality beer.

“This year’s theme focuses on quality’s role in sustainability and its environmental, social and governance impact. Looking at some of the inputs to our operations is the use of (Heavy Furnace Oil) HFO to run the boilers for steam generation which steam runs our bottle-washing machine and also used in the Brewing process specifically Brewhouse for wort boiling. The HFO must be of highest quality as to have control of the kind of emissions (carbon monoxide) to the atmosphere,” says Mark Nsereko, Quality Manager, Mbarara Plant.

“Environmental factors are rapidly taking priority on business agendas and there’s a growing awareness of how much these factors affect both decision-making and stakeholder value,” he adds. NBL is thus using the theme for this Quality week to re-emphasize the need to comply to Government policies and regulations towards environment, Customer and consumer attitudes that could be targeted towards of beer production and distribution processes,” he added.

We have entrenched innovation in all our production processes from seed to sip to ensure top quality products. We are all quality Ambassadors therefore, we all have a responsibility to ensure the quality parameters within our snap of control are Always Right.

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